Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Another look at Health Care

I recently read a blog titled “Health Care Legislation” posted by S. Williams at Proud to be an American. I found the post to be quite interesting. It was challenging to tell from the author’s opening sentences whether or not the author had a definitive opinion regarding the proposed health care reform legislation. The author supported this position of ambiguity by pointing out the various variables to consider and in his mind there were still too many unanswered questions.

The post conveyed a stronger concern for the private insurance companies and employers than for the millions of American who have no hope of receiving and paying for quality health care. I’m sorry, but I have no empathy for the insurance companies that have for years made a hefty profit by draining the pocket of American families, leaving them still ill and in poverty.

While there was some indecisiveness in the author’s view, he did take a strong position regarding the issues of fining Americans who don’t purchase coverage. To this though I would like to know how the author would feel if they were involved in an auto accident with a motorist who did not have government required auto insurance. Levying fines for the uninsured, which we have been doing for years, worked out favorably for all.

In closing, the author appears to lean toward limited government involvement and states that “government should mind their own business.” That’s an interesting statement, considering that government is supposed to be in place to manage the issues of the people they have been elected to serve. I strongly support the government effort to reform our Health Care System.

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