Saturday, October 10, 2009

State’s Option On Public Option

Jane Hamsher posts her concerns regarding states having the authority to decided their participation in the public option, stating that this was an immoral and unnecessary political compromise. Then Jane yielded her blog comments to Rikyrah, a blogger whose words were much stronger. Rikyrah states “I feel as others on ‘the left of the left’ – this is utter BULLSHIT.” She went on to make her point that putting the public option component of the healthcare plan in the states’ hands would basically reestablish the boundaries of the Civil War. In her mind she believes that a majority of the states that would opt-out would be states with the largest improvised segments of African Americans. Rikyrah compares the opt-out option compromise to the creation of social security under Franklin Roosevelt, pointing out it took nearly a generation for Blacks in this country to see some form of equitable benefits from the social security system. I don’t think Rikyrah had a specific or targeted audience. Her comments seem to be open for all who would take the time to read her work. I for one believe she raises a point that main stream media will not touch. Her message was strong and clear and although she makes some historical comparison, there were little to no information supporting her view. It is interesting in comparing a blog to an editorial in a major news paper. Blogs are more of an unfiltered personal view or opinion. I not sure if you receive a truer perspective of an issues, but you certainly get a better feel for the emotional energy and passion for the subject being discussed.

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